Woking Borough Council

Byfleet and West Byfleet

2025/0042: Single-storey rear extension following demolition of existing rear garage. 121 Church Road, Byfleet

2025/0065: Prior Approval under provisions of Schedule 2, Part 3, Class MA of Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) for change of use of Commercial, Business and Service (Use Class E) to dwellinghouse (Use Class C3). 2 Sanway Close, Byfleet


2025/0041: Two-storey, part single-storey side and rear extension and front porch following demolition of existing garage. Fairway, 547 Woodham Lane

2025/0008: Formation of new vehicular access. 126 Maybury Road

Goldsworth Park

2025/0080: Proposed conversion of garage into habitable accommodation. 6 Eastmead


2025/0036: Single-storey and part first-floor side and rear extension. Alterations to external materials and fenestration. 8 Fernhill Close

2025/0074: Single-storey side infill extension and alterations to fenestration. 38 Hillside

2025/0071: Prior notification for single-storey rear extension to extend maximum depth 6m, maximum height 3.6m and maximum height of eaves 3m. Whitmoor Farm House, Whitmoor Lane, Sutton Green

2025/0066: Single-storey side extension and minor alterations to existing swimming pool. Lansbury, Hook Heath Road

2025/0073: Proposed enlargement of existing front entrance area with porch canopy and alterations to fenestration. Oakenshaw, Prey Heath Road


2025/0044: Detached two-storey dwelling with associated landscaping and parking following demolition of 2no. detached outbuildings. Land at rear of 40 Chobham Road and rear Of Hemyock And Rose Woods, Chobham Road

2025/0067: Single-storey rear extension. Harwood, Heathfield Road


2025/0078: Single-storey side and rear extension. 11 Peatmore Close

2025/0076: Front porch extension. The Beeches, Pyrford Road

2024/0904: Proposed single-storey rear extension to provide additional 6 x 1 person bedroom accommodation and 1 assisted bathroom. Crann Mor, 151 Old Woking Road

2025/0081: Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for a single-storey rear extension. Alpina, 16 Hamilton Avenue

2025/0068: Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for conversion of garage to habitable accommodation. Alpina, 16 Hamilton Avenue

St John’s

2025/0061: Fenestration alterations to replace windows and balcony doors along all elevations. Raeburn Grove, The Mount

2025/0057: Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for outbuilding following demolition of existing pergola. 148 Goldsworth Road

Surrey Heath Borough Council

Bisley & West End

24/1216/NMA: Non-material amendment to planning permission 22/0840/FFU to allow for alterations to proposed ramped access to front and side. Sports Pavilion, Benner Lane

25/0118/FFU: Single-storey rear extension following removal of existing rear element. 5 Fellow Green, West End Chobham

25/0059/FFU: Conversion of existing stables into self-build two-bed dwelling. The Stables, Sandpit Hall Road

Windlesham & Chobham

25/0004/FFU: Retrospective application for replacement and repositioning of single-storey double garage. The Camp, Westwood Road, Windlesham

25/0023/FFU: Demolition of enclosed entrance porch, replacement of detached garage with garage extension, replacement of rear single-storey extensions with part two-storey, part single-storey rear and side extension and single-storey rear extension, replacement of concrete-based ground floor with insulated limecrete, reconstruction of rear historic wall, replacement of non-historic windows, replacement of all services, reconfiguration of secondary staircase, removal of existing ground-floor non-historic bathroom and kitchenette, internal alterations (including wall removal and changes to the position of openings and timber stripping), new front dormer, timber frame repairs roof and chimney repairs. Burr Hill Cottage, Little Heath Road, Chobham 25/0060/FFU: Single-storey rear link extension to existing outbuilding and associated works. 32 Chertsey Road, Chobham 25/0100/LLB: Listed building consent for removal of rear window. Wayside, 138 Windsor Road, Chobham

25/0117/PMR: Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of application 24/0693/FFU to allow for minor fenestration changes and modest increase in size of mansard. Lavershot Hall, Flat 6, London Road, Windlesham 25/0119/FFU: Four poly tunnels and installation of water tank. Field Number 9192, Highams Lane, Windlesham

25/0122/FFU: Proposed addition of dropped kerb. 18 Chertsey Road, Windlesham

25/0123/FFU: Front and rear dormer windows to create living space in loft area with Juliet balcony on larger rear dormer and internal alterations. Cortina, Pennypot Lane, Chobham

25/0131/PIP: Permission in principle for development of land to west of 35 Mincing Lane Chobham for up to 5 self-build dwellings. Land west of 35 Mincing Lane, Chobham