Woking Borough Council

Byfleet & West Byfleet

2025/0031: Erection of a single-storey first-floor side extension following part demolition of existing side extension. Front and rear dormers, insertion of roof lights. Alterations to fenestration. 1 Oak Park, West Byfleet

2025/0069: Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for a rear dormer window, insertion of 2No front roof lights. 7 Foxlake Road, Byfleet

2025/0049: Erection of a proposed side dormer and enlargement of existing side dormer. 116 Woodlands Avenue, West Byfleet


2025/0038: Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for the erection of two new outbuildings and construction of one practice cricket pitch/wicket to create additional facilities incidental to the enjoyment of the dwellinghouse. Hoyte Lodge, 464 Woodham Lane

2025/0070: Change of use from Class E(g) (Commercial, Business and Service) to Class B2 (General Industrial), erection of external fire escape staircase from first floor, new brick built substation and storage container to be located to the rear. Units 6, 7, 8, Woking, 8, Forsyth Road, Sheerwater

2025/0060: Change of use from Use Class C3(c) (Dwellinghouses) to Use Class C2 (Residential institutions) to provide a care home for up to 3no. children. 136 Maybury Road

2025/0053: Erection of a detached double garage. Longhurst, 481 Woodham Lane

Goldsworth Park

2025/0056: Details of Drainage Verification Report submitted pursuant to Condition 17 of planning permission ref: WO/PLAN/2023/0570 dated 9 November 2023. (this application is determined by Surrey County Council under their ref SCCRef-2025-0007). Former Lakers Youth Centre, Goldsworth Park Centre


2025/0019: Change of use from C3(c) to C2 to provide a care home for up to 3no. children. 110 Hawthorn Road

2025/0051: Single-storey front and first-floor side and rear extension with rooms in the roof space, formation of front and rear dormer windows and conversion of garage into habitable accommodation. Erection of a front porch canopy and mono pitched roof to front elevation. Alterations to fenestration and external materials. 2 Hurst Close

2025/0063: Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for the erection of a carport and storage outbuilding. Copper Beeches, Prey Heath Road, Mayford

2025/0033: Details of School Travel Plan submitted pursuant to Condition 4 of planning permission ref. WO/2023/0189 dated 4 October 2023. (this application is determined by Surrey County Council under their ref SCC_Ref_2024-0183). Hoe Valley School, Egley Road


2025/0052: Single-storey rear extension, partial conversion of garage into living space following demolition of existing conservatory. 79 Meadway Drive


2025/0064: Conversion of garage into habitable accommodation. 36 Alexandra Gardens


2025/0059: Proposed partial conversion of garage into habitable accommodation (Retrospective). 7 St Nicholas Crescent

St John's

2025/0054: Single-storey front and side extension. Highwoods, 4 The Dell

2025/0058: Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for a single storey rear extension. 84 Lower Guildford Road

Surrey Heath Borough Council

Bisley & West End

24/1212/CES: Certificate of Lawfulness (Proposed Use) - Erection of replacement 1.8metre-high perimeter fencing. Land at Lucas Green Nurseries, Lucas Green Road, West End

24/1213/CES: Certificate of Lawfulness (Proposed Use) - Erection of replacement 1.8metre-high perimeter fencing. Land at Lucas Green Nurseries, Lucas Green Road, West End


25/0086/NMA: Non-material amendment to planning permission 24/0391/FFU (Erection of a single-storey rear extension following demolition of existing conservatory, conversion of loft space into habitable accommodation, installation of rear dormer and roof lights, conversion of loft space above the detached garage into habitable accommodation) for the removal of the dormer from the rear elevation, alterations to the roof windows on the house and garage and removal of the window from the front of the garage. 88 Ambleside Road

Windlesham & Chobham

24/1004/FFU: Modifications to existing entrance to provide wider access and erection of new posts and gate. Snows Ride Farm, Snows Ride, Windlesham

24/1270/CES: Certificate of lawfulness for the proposed erection of a single-storey rear extension, installation of roof lights and changes to fenestration on east elevation following demolition of the existing single-storey rear projection. Wayside, 138 Windsor Road, Chobham

25/0055/FFU: Two-storey side/rear extension following part demolition of existing dwelling. 2 Killy Hill, Chobham

25/0061/FFU: First-floor side extension. 41 Windmill Field, Windlesham