Popular burger chain McDonald’s has submitted plans for what it hopes will be its newest Surrey restaurant.

The global giant is hoping to add Cobham to its empire after formally filing its proposals to Elmbridge Borough Council. If approved, it would fill the vacant Portsmouth Road site formerly occupied by Loch Fyne. 

However, some residents have spoken out against the dangers it would create to people’s “emotional welfare’ with others saying it was “the last thing Surrey needed”. A petition calling for the site to be turned into a community centre has passed 30,000 signatures.

Cobham was named as one of the most affluent communities in the county but the Northfield Estate, where the restaurant is proposed, is among Surrey’s lowest socio-economic areas.

According to the plans submitted this week, McDonald’s is seeking a change of use for the empty building which, it says, would “sensitively restore” the disused site and convert it into an “employment generating facility”.

McDonald’s has sought to appease residents upset at the potential of queue cars that there would be no drive though services.

According to the chain, the new restaurant would include both indoor and outdoor seating with space for 60 diners, 30 car parking bays, two of which would be accessible and three with EV charging spaces. There would also be four motorcycle bays, eight cycle spaces and four secure staff cycle spaces.

The plans were submitted following a two-week public consultation. Residents opposed to the plans created a petition which has passed 32,000 signatures.

Comments on the petition, called Stop The Redevelopment of The Loch Fyne Building into a McDonald’s Outlet. Include one saying it was the “last thing” Surrey needed, with another claiming they would “rather eat cat faeces”.

Proposed operating hours are between 6am and midnight, Monday to Sunday.