Businesses across Surrey now have a much greater voice in guiding the growth of the county’s economy.

Just weeks after the government handed Surrey County Council greater strategic powers to support economic development across the county. Steps have been taken to ensure the private sector has a stronger voice and is right at the heart of local decision-making.

The Surrey Business Leaders Forum brings together close to 40 individuals representing a diverse range of businesses – from SMEs to Surrey-based multinationals, and including businesses from Surrey’s priority sectors alongside employer representative bodies.

The Forum (which met in May for the first time) will be a driving force to help raise awareness of local business and economic needs and act as a local business champion to ensure businesses have a voice in decision-making that impacts the local economy.

Cllr Matt Furniss said: “We know there is more that we can do to work with our private sector to deliver real benefits to our residents and communities, so we’ve taken steps to move quickly to make the most of the new powers from government, including creating Business Surrey, which provides free and accessible support to all Surrey businesses.

“Ensuring businesses are at the heart of our decision-making process can only strengthen that approach. I look forward to working with businesses to deliver on our priority to grow Surrey’s economy in a sustainable way, while ensuring no one is left behind.”

The Council took the role as Surrey’s strategic economic leader in April this year.