Lib Dems have called for a Clean Water Authority that could be based in Woking, to tackle sewage dumping and overhaul the failing water industry.

Plans were announced on June 12 to launch the tough new regulator, with powers to take decisive action against failing water companies over the sewage scandal.

It would have powers to:  

  • Ban bonuses for water company bosses 
  • Revoke the licence of poorly performing water companies swiftly
  • Force water firms to publish the full scale of their sewage spills
  • Reform water companies to put local environmental experts on the boards of companies
  • Set legally binding targets on sewage discharges  

Analysis by the Lib Dems has identified that Conservative MPs have voted 1,621 times against tougher measures to tackle the sewage scandal.

Lib Dem candidate for Woking, Will Forster said: “Our plan to set up the Clean Water Authority would help end the Conservative sewage scandal once and for all.

“As Woking’s MP, I would fight to get the Clean Water Authority based in Woking, which would be a big boost for our town.

“Through a tough new regulator, we will make sure water companies put the environment and their customers first instead of lining the pockets of their shareholders.”

It would also have the power to ban bonuses for water company executives, who have received £54 million in benefits, bonuses and incentives in England and Wales since the last election.

Water firms are only required to record the number and duration of sewage spills. According to the plans, they would be forced to publish the volume in litres of sewage discharged, to understand the true environmental impact.  

Data uncovered by the party through an Environmental Information Request revealed Thames Water had pumped 4.2 billion litres of sewage into the River Thames in central London last year.