A 60-year-old woman with PTSD who has been sofa-surfing for three years is at the “end of her tether”, waiting for a council house in Guildford. 

The woman, who wished to remain anonymous, left her council house in 2021 after her ex-partner allegedly broke in, bruising her in the process. He was arrested but released without charge and still remains in the area.

She said she tried to stay there but she was “scared all the time”. Speaking to the Local Democracy Reporting Service with a walking stick by her side, she explained she has back problems.

Now waiting for the council to offer her a new home, she says it is “triggering” returning to her old home. The woman is one of 2,313 households on Guildford Borough Council’s (GBC) housing register.

The average wait time for a one-bedroom flat for Band C housing applicants aged under 60 is three years and nine months. Being on Band C, the most common band for people of ‘normal’ concern, the woman believes she should be higher on the list.

“It kills me, the longer it goes on I can’t move forward”, she told the LDRS. The woman said she wants her “own place” and to have stability. She was diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) six months ago and a GP letter was sent to the council informing them of her change in circumstance. 

The woman and her counsellor allege that GBC have ‘lost’ the PTSD diagnosis letter, which could affect her case. Guildford Council said they cannot comment on individual cases. Another doctor’s letter was sent in at the end of May and is waiting to be reviewed. 

“They [council officers] can go home at night and close the door but I can’t”, the woman said. She added that she is “so angry no one is listening” to her, and the way she is being treated is “appalling”. She claimed housing officers never call when they say they will and don’t keep her informed. 

After weekly emails sent by the woman’s counsellor to GBC, the woman is still on the waiting list for a home. All the while her original council house is vacant, except for her family photos and close possessions.

Unable to return back to her property, the woman wants to move to the Bellfields area where she has friends and can still go to the same GP. Applicants can choose where in Guildford borough they want to live when they apply for housing, but availability in these preferred areas can vary.

A GBC spokesperson said: “We’re unable to discuss individual circumstances. However, we remain committed to providing general information and support to all applicants.

“We reassess housing bands based on changes in applicants’ circumstances, ensuring each case is treated fairly. Applicants should inform us of any changes to their situation for reassessment.

“Our case workers provide updates when there is one and we encourage those with questions or concerns to contact our housing advice team for support.”