WOKING District Rotary Club has sent two more power generators to Ukraine in answer to an urgent call from its counterparts there.

Mobile diesel generators were required after the destruction of parts of the Ukrainian power distribution system, and with the onset of the cold winter months.

Rotary clubs across Britain have responded, and Woking District Rotary has quickly provided money to buy two, to add to the three it sent earlier in the year.

The generators have been sourced through HSS Hire Services Southern in Old Woking, with a sizeable discount offered by the company owner, Graham Warr, who is a Rotarian.

Graham’s business had previously donated three similar generators for the same cause earlier this year.

The donation adds to a grant made by the club just months ago, which enabled the purchase of two modular homes installed in the village of Moshchun, in the Kyiv Oblast province, as living accommodation for families displaced when their homes were destroyed by shelling.

Rotary clubs in Britain and Ireland have now provided funds for 54 such houses in the village, with more to come this winter.

Rotarian Greg Choyce, who co-ordinated the generator project, said: “This is the first donation we have made since our successful Woking Fireworks Extravaganza last month.

“We are delighted to be able to continue our emergency support for the people of Ukraine, thanks to the generosity of the people of Woking. The need in Ukraine continues to be acute.”