JOE McNERNEY has agreed re-engagements terms with Woking that will see him reach seven seasons as a Card.

McNerney, 22, struck three times for the champions last term – including the 98th minute clincher in the 3-2 victory over Bromley in January.

And after helping Woking secure the Blue Square South title, the young defender has pledged his future to Garry Hill as he plots a siege on non-league’s top-flight.

Worried fans had began to question whether Joe Mac was spending his holiday searching for football elsewhere, a suggestion the Kingfield academy graduate quickly dismissed.

The Woking lad said: “It was always going to be hard to get back into the conference but now that we’ve done it I’m excited and looking forward to next season as a Woking player - it was just a case of sitting down with the gaffer and talking about my deal.

“The trouble was we negotiated, then he went away, then I went away - it was just a case of getting together and getting it all sorted. It was all straight forward really.

“I didn’t speak to any other clubs. As a young player I am obviously keen and ambitious to move up the ladder at some point but I was always on the side of staying with Woking.

“Last season I wasn’t as strong as the year before and I was quite open about that with the manager. I told him I wanted to get back to my best this season and that I wanted to be starting every game.

“He told me that if I’m back to form and playing well then he’s not going to stop me from doing that – he’ll be picking the players who are on-form.”

McNerney will report for pre-season training alongside Woking new-boy and former Welling skipper Jack Parkinson.

Versatile defender Parkinson, also 22, has already outlined his desire to make his mark on his new team, but McNerney refuses to sweat on his place in Hill’s first team plans until he’s enjoyed some much deserved time off.

“I've played against Jack three or four times now and he’s very impressive. He’s similar to Mark Ricketts in his versatility and can play central midfield or centre back, players like that are very valuable.

“You know there is always someone who can come in and compete no matter what position they play in which is always good.

“But I’m trying to let my hair down a little bit over the summer and not really thinking too much about football at the moment.

“I check in on the website from time to time to see if we’ve got any new signings and I’ve been really impressed so far.

“I’m pleased with who has stayed and who has been brought in but as for the football side, I’m trying to forget about it for a little bit. But when I come back I’ll be raring to go.”