WOKING Women gaffer Benson Miyoba admits there have been challenges in his first year in charge – but he says what the management team and the squad have achieved in that time is phenomenal.

Miyoba, who took over from Jon Bloomfield in December 2021, told the News & Mail: “I don’t think you can build much of a team ethic just from success, so we’ve benefited from the challenges we had at the back end of 2021. 

“We had key personnel leave off the pitch in the early part of 2022, and that left a big hole to be filled regarding administration. 

“I can be my own worst critic, but I think what we’ve achieved as a group in a year is phenomenal really – especially given the re-adjustment to coming out of lockdowns and COVID-19 and players not certain about how much time they can commit to football because they’re trying to get their life back on track.”

For the full interview, see the 5 January issue of the News & Mail.