WOKING Football Club were not short of wingers when a specially selected team headed for Cirencester.

Manager Alan Dowson, known universally as Dowse, led an eight-strong squad to Rendcomb Aerodrome in Gloucestershire for a wing-walk to raise funds for the Woking & Sam Beare Hospices charity.

With more than £6,500 already raised, the challenge has clearly captured the imagination.

The funding was boosted by significant sponsorship of the flights by Laithwaites Financial Services, the Woking branch of Seymours, Boz’s Fruit and Veg, MKJ Group and Gary Block Decorating.

After a 7am start, and amid much nervous conversation, a ballot on the coach decided the order.

First out was Daniel O’Sullivan, media assistant at the club, with Dowse second, followed by midfield player Tommy Block, ladies’ reserve team captain Jodie Selley, Rich Ewins, Steve Knight, Mandy Black and club captain Josh Casey.

Before the team took on the walk, the pilot, Mike, gave them a brief history of the area and those involved split into two groups of four to watch a training video.

Despite some pre-match nerves approaching the aircraft, each participant returned to share their amazing experience.

“Done the wing walk, first one to get up there and do it,” said Daniel.

“It’s fantastic that the hospice has managed to raise more than £6,500 through sponsorship and donations, so keep that going and thank you!”

Dowse said: “Just done mine, Tommy Block’s going up there now – he’s absolutely petrified.

“Keep putting your money in to support the hospice, we’re doing it for a great cause and having a great time out here. It’s a beautiful part of the world.

“Do keep putting your money in if you can.”

Krista Lougher, challenge events fundraiser at Woking & Sam Beare Hospice: “A massive congratulations and thank you to Woking football club, their sponsors and all of the supporters.

“The team worked together to conquer this amazing challenge and help raise awareness and more than £6,500 in support of the hospice.”