WOKING Football Club’s planned wing walk in support of Woking & Sam Beare Hospices has already raised more than £2,500.

The event is scheduled for late next month at an airfield in the heart of the Cotswolds countryside which made a major contribution to First World War aviation history.

Woking manager Alan Dowson, universally known as Dowse, is again in charge of team selection and has recruited members of his squad and club staff to take part in the wing walk.

His ten-strong group will be part of a series of flypasts, zoom climbs, steep dives, and banks.

Already signed up for the day are winger Jamar Loza, along with team captain Josh Casey, ladies’ reserves captain Jodie Selley, commercial manager Steve Knight, media assistant Daniel O’Sullivan, and representatives of local businesses.

In common with many charities, Woking & Sam Beare Hospice has struggled to raise funds during the coronavirus pandemic, and the football club is urging fans to get behind Dowse and those doing the wing walk.

For more information and to support Dowse and his team, visit www.justgiving.com and search for Wokingfc wingwalk.