A SECOND application by developer GolDev to build on land surrounding Woking Football Club has been withdrawn. The application, submitted in March last year, was for 168 dwellings on two plots.

A substantially larger scheme for the Kingfield site was refused planning permission last month after a public inquiry.

Michael Gove, the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, dismissed an appeal by the company, run by Wayne Gold, against the decision of Woking Borough Council’s planning committee to reject plans for a new 9,000-seat stadium for the football club and more than 1,000 adjacent flats.

Both applications had been strongly opposed by the South Woking Action Group (SWAG).

“The withdrawal by GolDev of their second planning application was an unexpected but very welcome Christmas present for Kingfield,” said Neil Jarman, on behalf of SWAG.

“That, plus the appeal refusal and Woking Borough Council terminating their agreement with GolDev, means the end of GolDev’s unwelcome plans for Kingfield.

“SWAG know there will be some future, more modest, development of and around the football stadium. The appeal decision and the earlier local plan Inspector’s report together provide a guide for those considering future plans. We fully expect and will welcome consultation with local residents from the football club and other stakeholders involved in those plans.”

Rosemary Johnson, chairman of Woking Football Club, added: “The withdrawal of GolDev’s second application means the club will need to consider what options are open to it.

“With the landlord being the council and much of the land surrounding the club in council ownership, working with our landlords when the time is right will be the way forward for the club.

“We have been at Kingfield for 100 years this year. It is vital that the history of the club is maintained, and that whatever can be improved at the ground is carried out through working with our landlord and talking to local residents.

“The club will need to consider what is needed to achieve the club’s ambition to be self-funding.

“With the new investors we have that experience in place, but also recognise that with the council's current financial situation we need to wait until the time is right to move forwards.”

Mr Gold declined to comment when contacted by the News & Mail.