MORE than 1,500 letters of support for plans to redevelop the Woking FC stadium and build associated housing have been delivered to the borough council.

Rosemary Johnson, the club chairman, delivered the 1,513 letters last Friday helped by Kelvin Reay, the club’s football liaison director, and Sam Loxton, the commercial director.

More than 1,300 came from people in Woking and the surrounding area, with others from as far as Tanzania and New Zealand. Some 184 people wrote from The Netherlands.

The council has received 629 objections and eight comments of support on its website containing details of the main planning application, for a new 9,000-seat stadium and 1,048 adjacent flats in five buildings between three and 11 storeys.

A secondary application, involving moving the David Lloyd health club to Egley Road and building 36 new houses, has received 333 objections and one comment of support.

Mrs Johnson, said outside the council chambers: “We are delighted to have received over 1,500 letters so far in support of this scheme. More than 200 of these are from outside England, which shows our small club has international appeal. When they come to Woking for games they are supporting the wider Woking economy.

“The plans for Woking Community Stadium are about more than just a building. Although the development will give a much-needed cash injection to the club and attract investment into the game, it is actually about more than even football. The keyword is ‘community’, for this scheme will benefit the whole community."

For the full story get the 16 January edition of the News & Mail, and see letters on page 10