EMMA Goodman-Horne has called off her Big Family Hiit, the fundraising event she had planned for Pyrford Cricket Club this Saturday, because of the coronavirus outbreak.

“The more I thought about it the more I realised I had to postpone the day,” Emma said. “It’s a community event and I just can’t facilitate everything that’s needed to keep people safe.

“I’m only a one-man band and it’s hard enough to organise at the best of times.

“I couldn’t provide hand sanitisers, or increase the washing facilities. I was afraid I’d just be exposing people to risk, and with this event I was well aware that’s my personal responsibility.

“Although I was hoping hundreds would attend, that was becoming unrealistic too. How many people would be uncomfortable with being part of a large crowd at the moment and not turn up?

“I wouldn’t want anyone to come and be disappointed, so hopefully we’ll do it bigger and better later in the year.”

Emma does, though, have the consolation of having raised more than £8,000 for Woking & Sam Beare Hospices and the children’s cancer charity CLIC Sargent, despite the loss of her big day.

She hosted a charity event at Horsley Towers last Saturday 14 March, which was generously supported by those associated with her Emergy fitness classes, which she also runs at Pyrford Cricket Club.

“It was a huge success,” Emma said. “We far exceeded expectations, I’d only been looking to raise about £3,000. Many thanks to all involved.”

Emma will continue with her series of boot camps throughout the week.

“That’s a far different proposition,” she said. “We’re always outdoors and we don’t exceed 30 to 40 people. We all know each other and anyone who isn’t feeling 100 per cent won’t come.”

* See this Thursday’s (March 19) edition of the News & Mail for full coverage of local closures as more events are called off