PYRFORD and Wisley Village Show returned in its original form on Saturday, with thousands of people arriving to celebrate its 75th anniversary.

Virtual versions have been staged on the internet during the pandemic, but crowds were again able to assemble at Pyrford cricket ground to enjoy a traditional country occasion with the theme Celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

The combined fete, horticultural event and dog show saw more than 2,000 entries in its various competition classes, many of which were linked to the theme.

“It was fantastic to have the show back on in full,” said John Attrill, chairman of the organising committee. “There were high levels of attendance throughout the day and I was really pleased to see many different age groups, from toddlers to seniors.

“The theme was chosen to carry on the jubilee celebrations, and it was great to see the local schools participating.”

He said a highlight of the arena entertainment was a performance by leading BMX stunt team Savage Skills, which has world champions and British champions among its riders.

An innovation this year was the addition of more live music, filling the previous gap between the daytime and evening sessions.

The fine weather contributed to bumper proceeds for the food and drink stalls. “The refreshments all ran out of supplies and had to go and get some more,” added John.

The judges awarded a total of 51 prizes across the Juniors, Domestic and Flower sections of the show. Standout winners included:

The Children's Shield for the most outstanding entry in the junior section was won by Pyrford Primary School and The Roy Davey President's Cup for the most interesting and attractive display of children's work by The Marist Catholic Primary School in West Byfleet.

In Domestic, Teresa Newell got the Women's Institute Challenge Cup for the exhibit of most outstanding merit in homecrafts. Peter Crozier got six prizes in the Flower section – a Banksian Medal, The Stephen's Cup, a Royal National Rose Society Medal, The Lodge Brothers Rose Cup, the Mac Barr Cup and a RHS Bronze Medal