WE’VE all had a lot to cope with in life since March 2020, when the pandemic showed how much we need other people.  

It made us think about people who delivered and provided for us. Even if we were not involved with health or social care, we clapped the NHS and valued vaccines and hospitals as never before. 

Family, friends, key-workers and volunteers may have stepped in to help you through, too. 

Just as we thought we were getting through, other worries increased on top of health and pandemics – climate change, war in Ukraine, the economy and money. 

Looking around the world, we see conflict and results of the insidious human emotions of fear and greed that cause division, leading to focusing on ourselves, not others, and forgetting to be grateful for what we have.

I am grateful for my Bible and words Jesus spoke that comfort and guide me back to what’s important in the midst of fear and despair – for example, “Just as I have loved you, you must also love one another” (Gospel of John Chapter 13 verse 34).

Our church has run ‘Helping Others’ since 1971 with volunteer church members offering lifts, for everyone living in Wisley and Pyrford, to doctors’ appointments, hospitals, prescriptions, shopping etc when family, friends and neighbours can’t help.  

We are told this help has been a great blessing to many – just when hope and joy was needed.  

As helpers, we enjoy being useful and supportive to others – so actually the joy and blessing is two way. We all need the joy of one another.