The church where I serve, Woking United Reformed Church, is currently hosting a vaccination centre.  

Perhaps you have visited to receive a vaccine. It’s a joy to host the centre and to meet so many members of our diverse community.

One of the loveliest parts is we are often able to offer a cup of tea to visitors afterwards in our welcome area.  

Our church strapline is: ‘Whoever you are and wherever you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.’  

It’s an aspiration we try to live up to, albeit in our imperfect, human way. 

Hospitality is something Jesus modelled in a radical way during his life.  

He showed how important it is to notice people, especially those who felt on the outskirts of society.  

He took time to notice, to sit and talk with those who other people ignored. He went out of his way to demonstrate that our creator God cares for, and longs to be in a relationship with, everyone – not just some. 

Whether it’s offering healthcare, a cup of tea or just an encouraging smile, we can all be people who offer a welcome to those around us.