The new year is well under way now and the children are back at school after their Christmas break. 

What will 2024 bring us, we wonder? Some of us made new year resolutions which have already fallen by the wayside; others will be forging new habits and pursuing personal improvement with intentionality!

The Bible says that God is “doing a new thing” too; Isaiah 43:19 continues: “Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” 

We might not always be able to see God at work in the world and might even wonder where He is.

But if we remember the Christmas message that Jesus will be called Emmanuel, meaning “God with us”, then we know where to look for Him. 

He can be found in the midst of our own lives, often in ways we can’t see or even imagine. 

The year ahead will no doubt bring change and challenge. The God who cares enough about us, to have been born as one of us, doesn’t leave us to face this alone. 

He is with you; He is for you.