What a man should be? Should he look like an action man and be strong, tough and never show any sign of emotion? This is something that I don't think describes me or many other men out there, and hopefully attitudes are changing and men can know it’s OK not to be OK and that is OK.

I have written in this column before about Andy’s Man Club and how it has helped so many men who may be affected by mental health.

I went along to my first Andy’s Man Club Woking Session in 2022 when I read that it was opening. I have, myself had two bereavements and felt the loneliness of losing my partner Lara in 2020 and then my Dad in 2022. The latter was fresh in my mind as I walked through the doors of the Vyne in Knaphill to a small gathering of men in one of the back rooms.

It can be a big deal for somebody to take those first steps into something like this but everybody is welcomed from the moment they arrive. There is no judgement and it is a safe space to talk about anything that may be on our minds. It can be helpful to talk, or simply listen if you don't want to talk. Hearing the stories of how the club has helped men and in some cases saved lives is so powerful.

The way it works is we pass the ball around the group and in turn answer a series of questions. How has your week been? One positive from your week? and anything to get off your chest? We then have a break and come back with two random quick-fire questions to round things off. When you have the ball it is your opportunity to talk if you want to.

From those small beginnings AMC Woking has grown to often 70 plus men coming to join sessions, We now have to split into 4 groups. There is also a second club in Guildford and more planned in other areas. There are AMC groups nationwide. Find out more at www.andysmanclub.co.uk

AMC Woking is now on the move we are now meeting at the Park View Centre in Sheerwater. Every Monday (except bank holidays) from 7pm.

I just wanted to say thank you to Blair and the team for setting this up locally and giving us men this safe space.

Listen to the Sunny Sessions, the inclusive radio show from The Sunnybank Trust on Surrey Hills Community Radio Mon and Thurs 11am and on the first Monday of each month at 9pm. Sunny Sessions is also on Radio Woking every Wednesday at 9am.

My Radio Woking shows are Wednesday breakfast 7-9am and Sunday mornings 9-noon If you want to take part in my radio shows you can reach me on email [email protected]