This summer we are visiting Sicily and hope to visit Stromboli, an active volcano which erupts every 20 to 30 minutes.

Stromboli is a curious mix of predictable knowability and awesome power – you can visit Stromboli safely and even get quite close, watching the impressive bright eruptions by night.

However, when people are described as having a “volcanic temper” it is usually less benign.

Those described in such a way often struggle to keep their outbursts from becoming destructive. Their volcanic temper is more like Vesuvius (that destroyed whole cities) than Stromboli.

In the Bible, we’re told that one of the consequences of a life lived with God (the Fruit of the Spirit) should be gentleness.

Jesus was described as being “gentle and humble in spirit”. But the original word translated “gentleness” does not mean weak, wet or soft – it means "strength under control".

A healthy person shouldn't need to suppress their strength or power, but they DO need the character and maturity to keep it under control.

With the Spirit of God’s help, our gifts, talents, and passions can be a Stromboli rather than a Vesuvius. Something powerful that lights up the world without damaging others in the process.