Many of us will enjoy a family walk over Christmas – another opportunity for the little children to pretend tiredness so they can sit on an adult’s shoulders!

They just love it, laughing at the world from their great height; things look so different and exciting from up there.

I recently read Moses’ blessing: “Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the Lord loves rests between his shoulders.”

Perhaps the imagery was more about a tired lamb lying across a shepherd’s shoulders but what popped into my mind was a piggy-back.

After all, the Bible describes us as God’s little children and Jesus said: “The kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”

So perhaps our Heavenly Father loves to pick us up and put us on His shoulders from time to time?

We may need a carry or a rest, or it might be that He just wants us to feel the sheer joy of being lifted up to see the world through His eyes; the perspective is very different from up there.

Have a wonderful Christmas!