We are all aware these are not normal times for Woking, and where possible, I will work closely with residents on important local initiatives to help lessen doom and gloom for future generations.

Therefore it gives me great pleasure to showcase a well-researched project initiative by the Knaphill School’s Parents Teachers Association (PTA), who approached me a few months ago to assist in supporting the implementation of their exciting proposal.

Despite limited funds, one of the long founding commitments of the PTA (a registered charity) has been to help the local community to ensure that the young people and the families they serve have excellent opportunities and take pride in their community.

Hence, in 2023, the PTA undertook a detailed consultation with their school community, senior leadership, local eco-groups, and ward councillors to determine what the community would like them to do regarding climate issues and what was feasible and supported in the local area. 

As a result of the consultation findings, the PTA has put together a four-phased 88-page Climate Project proposal with an in-depth account of the aims, design, materials, sites, and costings.

The proposal readily available on request focuses on key points to help the Knaphill community commit to greener practices to improve the local environment, encouraging residents to undertake simple, practical actions to make a real difference locally, which include:

* Installing green screens, a more natural learning environment, and cleaner air for pupils.

* Establishing a “green and clean-up squad” to inspire pupils to reinvigorate local spaces.

* Instilling a community-based allotment initiative, sharing skills and working together.

* Form a Knaphill-wide group to discuss eco-issues that benefit the local area.

* Encouraging recycling, upcycling, greener travel modes to school and waste reduction.

Besides nourishing the mind, body, and soul, the project aims to introduce practical aspects of localism-based activities encouraging civic duty as part of the academic curriculum. I am sure you will agree education reflects the wealth and health of the individual and the nation. It is an excellent engine for personal development and social mobility to promote social cohesion and strong ethical values for the well-being of society at large.

Crucially, it will bring generations together and inspire the young to protect the environment with the right skills and awareness early in their lives. Sharing skills and expertise will further help alleviate some of the blight of modern society, eg. loneliness, mental wellbeing, and antisocial behaviour.

The first phase costs £12,450 to kickstart the project. An appeal for donations, however big or small, has been made to local firms. Woking businesses and individuals are also most welcome to participate. The PTA has already raised over £2,000 towards the worthy cause. For further information and how to donate, please don’t hesitate to contact Vikki at [email protected]