Through my work in community radio I really enjoy meeting people who are doing interesting and often inspiring things in their community. Recently I saw a post on a local Facebook group from Sonia Gupta who lives in Puttenham. Sonia was talking about her 15-year-old son Kush who is raising money to go to Tanzania. This is arranged through his school with World Challenge.

I met Kush and his mum and recorded an interview for the Sunny Sessions  which you can hear on Surrey Hills Community Radio on Thursday 12 September.

Kush will be going next year in a group to a community in Tanzania and spend time supporting them with various projects, and immersing himself in local culture. This is a community that doesn't  have the same facilities and funding we have here in the UK, so it will be interesting for Kush to experience how this different culture works and how he can play a part in supporting them.

The young people involved in this are encouraged to raise money for this trip themselves and Kush has been selling homemade candles.

Kush has autism and attends More House school in Frensham, He told me how he dreams of a career in business and how the candle project is teaching him new skills that could help with this. Kush spent time planning and researching something he could sell that would bring in money. He then developed his range of fragrances and worked out how he was going to produce the candles at home and then sell them to the community.

We spoke about the challenges faced along the way as he learnt these skills and how he will learn from these as he progresses. The candles are available in a number of fragrances and sizes and start at £8 for a small candle in a glass jar. If you would like to buy one and support Kush’s fundraising you can visit their Facebook page by searching for Puttenham Luxury Candles, or email  Sonia on [email protected].

It is really good to see young people doing such positive things. I  always think it is important to highlight these positives especially  in a world where there are so many bad things happening.

This week I'm after your voice notes for my radio shows. To get your voice on the radio go to and tell me what new things you are looking forward to in September.

Listen to the Sunny Sessions, the inclusive radio show from The Sunnybank Trust on Surrey Hills Community Radio Monday and Thursday at 10am and on the first Monday of the month at 9pm. You can  listen on demand at

My separate Radio Woking shows are Wednesday breakfast 7am to 9am and Sunday mornings 9am to noon.

If you want to get in touch you can email me at [email protected].