When we pray for help in times of suffering, trouble or weakness, how many of us do so hoping that God will provide a quick fix or immediate healing? But is this what prayer is for? 

St Paul writes: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13)

He means that God is not promising to fix all your problems but to use every challenge to strengthen you.

As a pastor I find that God prefers to give us broader shoulders rather than lighter loads.

I have learnt that most of us don’t start out tough by nature, we become stronger during the challenges of life. 

So if your life looks bleak, know that you can become strong enough to make life better for you and others. 

The world is full of tough problems. It needs people like you who have grown strong enough to make it better. 

Christ will strengthen you no matter what you are going through. 

Pray for this.