The past few days have brought to our attention unspeakably evil atrocities and murderous actions by Hamas terrorists in southern Israel. 

The news keeps getting worse – and after thousands of years of persecution, this brings fear to Jews everywhere, with antisemitic attacks since Saturday, October 7 up 324 per cent in the UK. 

We must stand with the Jewish communities and support them.

Jesus was Jewish and lived in Galilee and Judea (what is modern-day Israel) under Roman occupation. 

He taught his followers to love their enemies, but how do we do this in the face of such violence and evil? 

I don’t think he meant that we never fight back, but that we don’t allow our hearts to become vengeful and hardened. This is the most difficult part.

So, can we be peacemakers? Yes, but we must know when to listen and when to speak, when to act and when to resist. We must know when to pray and when to do more than pray. 

May we all pray and work for peace. In our families, our communities, in the wider world.