I recently invited our new MP, Will Forster, to chat to us at Radio Woking. It was lovely to chat to Will over an hour and to learn about him as a person and hear about his journey into politics. Will also chose some of his favourite music, songs from the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Queen.

We also involved my fellow presenter, 17-year-old Luke Mcnamara, in the conversation. Luke is studying Law and has an interest in politics and has also helped Will with some of his campaigning. A great opportunity for Luke to chat to Will.

Will spoke to listener Matthew who phoned in to ask about how politics can be more accessible for people with learning disabilities and autism. Matt told Will how the information that was coming through the letterbox during the election lead up was often confusing and overwhelming. We have heard this too from our Sunnybank Trust partners, with one a person saying they knew who they wanted vote for based on the colour of the party but were given a black and white voting slip at the polling station

Will comes across as a people person and wants to listen to what the people of Woking say and be their voice as MP. It was also nice to see the speech from the outgoing MP Jonathan Lord and how he wished Will luck and was very respectful, as was Will to Jonathan.  You can hear the conversation with Will on my podcast page at https://jonandrews01.podbean.com.

I had an uplifting evening  at Woking Phab recently. I used to go to their Wednesday night meetings regularly in my previous job as a support worker where I supported a gentleman at the club. I have stayed in touch with the club remotely since I changed jobs before lockdown but always wanted to find time to go there and reconnect. Finally, I had a free evening to go and see everybody. Chatting to people I haven't seen in over four years and how pleased they were to see me again was a real boast.

I am now looking to become a volunteer with Woking Phab and sup port this amazing club that gives people with or without disabilities a safe and fun space. They are always looking for volunteers to help run the sessions. Woking Phab meets every Wednesday evening 7.30pm – 9.30pm at the Woking Disability Resource Centre, Old School Place, Westfield, Woking. Find out more  at www.wokingphab.org.uk.

You can listen to The Sunny Sessions, the inclusive radio show for and by the learning disability community Monday and Thursday from 10am on Surrey Hills Community Radio and on demand at www.sunnybanktrust.org/sunny-sessions

You can also hear me on Radio Woking Wednesday 7am to 9am and Sunday 9am to noon.

Get in touch with me via email [email protected].