SUNDAY’S snowfall was particularly welcomed by a boy from West End who has been sleeping in a tent every night for 10 months to raise money for a foodbank charity.

Freddie Owen, aged 10, was looking forward to the white stuff blanketing his garden and was not put off by the extra chill that came with it.

On Monday, he posted a message on his JustGiving page: “What a fantastic day it was yesterday! I have been longing for snow during my challenge year and it has finally arrived – with a vengeance.

“I couldn’t do a 24-hour challenge as it was also my sister’s birthday, but I still spent most of my day outside.”

The snow began falling after he had got up and soon started to blanket the tent. “Daddy and I had to rescue my tent, as it started to buckle under the weight of the snow. But all is well, and I was still able to sleep outside last night.”

His mum Nicola said: “He’s well wrapped up and is sleeping well and long, and waking up ready to do his school work.”

Freddie, who is aiming to sleep in the tent for a whole year, has raised nearly £9,000 for the Trussell Trust. Donations can be made at