RAVE reviews and orders from overseas are being notched up for a newly published book aimed at young children and written by a Knaphill Junior schoolgirl.

Entitled How To Look After Your Unicorn, the beautifully written and illustrated paperback was conceived by 10-year-old Cassie MacDonald of Goldsworth Park.

With contributions to the story by two friends and some editing assistance from her teaching assistant mum Madeleine, the book is an insightful guide to empathy, forgiveness and coping strategies in an anxious world.

It is aimed at assisting younger children to pick up tips to self-soothe or help others, and its path to publication and early success on Amazon is a story in itself.

“Over a year ago, as I was clearing away, I found a biro scribble book by Cassie,” mum Madeleine told the News & Mail. “Although unfinished, it was an unselfconsciously metaphorical guide to looking after a unicorn’s emotions."

The scribbled outline became the framework for Cassie’s manuscript.

“I’ve been jotting book ideas down since I was six,” said Cassie. “My teachers have always loved my doodles and English work. When I leave school I would really like to be an author and illustrator and maybe even write a big, epic series that get made into films. My favourite books are Warrior Cats and most horror stories."

“My hope is it will encourage little children to try and be kind to each other, even when it is not very easy because we all have bad days sometimes. I hope it sells lots of copies too. When I first saw it published it was a dream come true. I couldn't believe it!"

How To Look After Your Unicorn by Cassie MacDonald is available from Amazon, £5.99. Also available on Kindle.

For the full story get the 25 July edition of the News & Mail