The Fiery Bird live music venue has reopened less than a month after a devastating break-in that caused extensive damage to the building in Goldsworth Road.

Frantic repairs after thieves ripped out of a water tank, copper piping and cables and stole sound equipment meant the Write Out Loud spoken word event was held last week.

The venue is planning to host the Americana Festival on the weekend of May 4 and 5.

Elaine McGinty, the Phoenix CEO, said that work by the building owners EcoWorld London and Phoenix volunteers got the building operational.

“We have had to cancel gigs for April, including LinkAble's Mayhem night for Adults with Learning Disabilities which is a real shame as they really look forward to it and it's important that a routine is kept to for these events,” Elaine said.

“We are thrilled to be reopening and looking forward to many great things in the pipeline.”