Woking United Reformed Church (URC) has become the latest of only 51 churches in England and Wales to be given a  Gold Eco Church award.

The conservation charity A Rocha UK gives more than 3,500 Eco Church awards at Gold, Silver and Bronze levels.

The award reflects Woking URC’s commitment to walk in step with nature and put creation care at the heart of what they do.

Woking URC's Green Team received the award during the Sunday morning service and spoke to the congregation about the changes the church has made, including the installation of solar panels. The church also manages the land around its building to support biodiversity and offers a tranquil space for nearby residents and visitors.

Woking URC has sought to engage children and young people in the development of their outside space and continue to learn and grow as a worshipping community as they deepen their understanding of God's creation at special services and events. 

The assessors for the award particularly noted the church's future plans to reach Net Zero and engagement with their local MP and councillors, demonstrating their commitment to care for the environment and Christian responsibility to nurture and protect God’s earth.

Woking URC Green Team members, Chris and Mary Temple said: “Working towards the Gold Award has been an amazing team effort with plenty of fun and laughter along the way.

“We gratefully acknowledge the financial support from various trusts which has enabled Woking URC to install added insulation, LEDs, solar panels and batteries; also Will Forster, now Woking’s MP, who made funds available from his Surrey County Council allocation to provide battery storage for the panels.”

Helen Stephens, church relations manager for A Rocha, said: “Our huge congratulations to Woking URC on their well-deserved Gold Eco Church award.

“Everything about their approach sets them out as an exemplar of what it means to be a gold awarded church.

“They have demonstrated significant and steady progress on the environment since 2013.

“What started with one person has grown into a strong and strategically thinking Green Team.

We hope they enjoy celebrating this award and seeing others inspired to join them in taking action to care for this amazing world.”

The Rev Lucy Brierley, the church minister added: “I’m thrilled that Woking URC has received this award thanks to the hard work of our Green Team.

“More importantly, this award recognises that stewardship of the creation God has given us is part of our work and witness to the community around us.

“This is a wonderful recognition of our commitment to caring for our church, community and planet.”

The church celebrated receiving the award at its “Eco-Sunday” Service with the sermon given by Lynda Marston-Weston of the Worshipful Company of Wax Chandlers, a livery company in the City of London who are involved in preserving the UK bee population and highlighting their importance to the environment.

A Rocha UK is part of an international network of Christian organisations present in more than 20 countries in six continents.