At exactly 8.12am, crowds in the town centre joined hundred of thousands of bell ringers across the country as Great Britain ushered in the world's most prestigious sporting event.

Traditional brass bells, bicycle bells, cow bells, delicate glass bells and even mobile phone ring tones were used to announce the start of the Olympic Games in the capital.

Eagle Radio's Love Crew led the countdown before mayor Michael Smith and mayoress Anne Murray joined Woking in three minutes of joyous bell ringing.

Former track and road cyclist, Tony Doyle stood on the balcony overlooking the square alongside the councillors to start the event.

Helen Hilderley (above), who competed in the 1984 Paralympics in New York, and won a gold medal in archery, silver in javelin and bronze in club, discus and shotput took part in the musical extravaganza.

Watch the action here:

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