A new study has found that Woking has the highest median price for newly built housing out of all local authorities in the South East England. 

One Sure Insurance analysed data from the Office for National Statistics to determine which local authorities in the region had the highest median price for all types of newly built housing last year. Results were then compared and ranked from the highest to the lowest prices. 

Woking came first with the highest median new housing price of £886,250. The main urban centre stretches from Knaphill to Byfleet, while around 60 per cent of the borough is protected by the Metropolitan Green Belt. 

A One Sure Insurance spokesperson said: “This study provides valuable insight into the range of prices for newly built housing within local authorities across the South East.

“While it does not show us what the highest and lowest prices are, these median price points offer a perspective on the potential average cost for new housing. 

“With countless new housing developments across the country each year and an increasing number of people looking into buying new homes, it would be beneficial to see whether these median price points remain the same for each area or might shift depending on the current demand.” 

Elsewhere in Surrey, Waverley came in fifth with a median new housing price of £594,000. Large parts of the borough are within the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. 

Nearby, Guildford had a median of £370,000 and Surrey Heath had £335,000.