ART students from Woking College are hoping to draw in the crowds by ­exhibiting their work at the prominent Chelsea ­Gallery in London’s Kings Road.

Stunning collections of art, photography and sculpture from the college’s past and present A-level students are now on show in the gallery at an ­exhibition that opened to the public on Tuesday.

The event is down to a stroke of genius by two entrepreneurial students who are in their final year at the college.

Florence Robjohn and Joanne Jones, both 18, were inspired by their fine art teacher Chris Bird to organise the impressive ­London display.

Florence has completed work placements at the Saatchi Art Foundation and sees the exhibition as another big ­helping hand.

She said: "This is an exceptional opportunity for young talent to have a showcase in a leading London gallery."

The talented twosome decided to ask other students to get involved and called up ­galleries in the capital to find a suitable venue to host their creative works. Joanne, who was brimming with pride at their achievement, revealed: "We organised the entire event within one day."

Former Woking College student Amy Flanagan will also be showing some of her latest art, having recently been awarded for her outstanding work shown at the college’s Summer Art ­Exhibition at The Lightbox.

THE show at the King's Road Chelsea Gallery in London will run until Sunday, March 17.