LinkAble is aiming to support a range of summer activities with its '250 hours of fun' campaign (LinkAble)

Those who attend the charity’s groups can choose from a range of activities, including forest school (LinkAble)

There are sporting options too, including badminton, offered by LinkAble's programme (LinkAble)

LinkAble sees providing the opportunity to make social connections as a vital part of its work (LinkAble)

A Woking-based charity for children, young people and adults with a learning disability and autism aims to deliver 250 hours of fun this summer.

LinkAble is relying on local people and businesses, and community groups to raise £7,000 for its “250 hours of fun” campaign.  

Every hour provided by LinkAble makes a world of difference to children, young people and adults with additional needs and their families.  

One in three young people with a learning disability spends less than one hour outside their home on a typical Saturday (Mencap, 2019), experiencing loneliness and lacking social connections.

Parents regularly tell LinkAble just how much they rely on the charity’s support. Parents like Bridget, mum to Erin, now 20.  Erin joined LinkAble at five and still attends regularly as an adult.

Bridget said: "LinkAble is such a big part of our life. If we were going to move house, one of the main factors in choosing a location would be how close we were to LinkAble. That's how much it means to us."    

LinkAble believes that everyone should have access to opportunities and experiences that develop skills, confidence, and lasting friendships, regardless of their disability.

Those who attend the charity’s groups choose from a range of activities, from practical skills such as cooking, managing their finances and travelling by public transport, to wellbeing activities such as rejuvenating time in LinkAble’s sensory room or forest yoga classes. 

Sue Stockman, LinkAble's CEO, said: "Social isolation can be a common problem for people with a learning disability and autistic people. We believe that every person has the right to live a full and active life filled with purpose and supportive relationships.

“We urge the local community to support our ‘250 hours of fun’ campaign to help us raise vital funds."   

 For more information or to donate, visit