TWO teams of volunteers have spent a day refreshing the LinkAble learning disability centre in Woking.

LinkAble is a long-running charity that supports people with learning disabilities in Woking and across Surrey. 

The building, which is used on a daily basis by children and adults with learning disabilities, was in need of some TLC, which the teams were happy to provide.

The policy, planning and projects team from Surrey County Council (SCC) and a team from Talogy, a talent agency based in Guildford, brought a new lease of life to the LinkAble building. 

Jess Clark, policy, planning and projects manager at SCC, said: “We were humbled to contribute something to LinkAble’s activity. We wanted to support LinkAble as they deliver life-changing services to some of our most vulnerable residents.

The volunteers from Surrey County Council help[ed spruce up the LinkAble building in Board School Road. (Picture supplied)

“Providing independent living skills and creating an environment where people can make friends, have fun and relax is a unique mix that will make a difference in people’s quality of life.”

Dan Hughes at Talogy added: “This was a fantastic volunteering day for the Talogy team, an opportunity to give a little something back to the local community and help spruce up the outside space and sensory room at LinkAble.

“It was thoroughly rewarding on a personal level and also a great team-building experience at the same time. The LinkAble team were very welcoming and it was a pleasure to be able to help them out.”

The team from SCC repainted LinkAble’s corridor and toilet areas, while the Talogy team tidied the centre’s outside space, including grappling with weeds and moving earth left over from the removal of a raised bed. They also laid a new foam floor in LinkAble’s sensory room. 

LinkAble chief executive Alison Keeley said: "We are so thankful for the time and effort donated by Surrey County Council and Talogy. The improvements they have made to our centre will be enjoyed daily by people with learning disabilities.

“Corporate volunteering is vital for LinkAble because it makes such a tangible difference to our work and frees up funds for us to use elsewhere. For the volunteers, it's a great team-building exercise, guaranteed to leave you with a real sense of accomplishment".

LinkAble is a charity relied on by children and adults with learning disabilities for more than 30 years. With many more jobs still to complete, organisations across Surrey are welcome to contact LinkAble to find out how they can donate their time. 

Please call LinkAble on 01483 770037 or email [email protected].