A CARE assistant from Woking has won a Heart of Gold Award in recognition of her dedication and commitment to provide high-quality care and compassion.

Denu Lakornchai beat 27 other nominees for the prize at Claremont Court Care Home in Guildford. All nominees received a Heart of Gold lapel pin.

Denu who has worked at Claremont Court for more than three years was presented with a Tiffany necklace as a reward by Alnur Dhanani, the chairman, and Nicola Coveney, the managing director of Carebase, the company that owns Claremont Court.

Nominations for the award came from residents and their relatives, co-workers, social workers and local health professionals. Denu was then chosen from the list of nominations by a panel of previous Heart of Gold award winners from all the other homes in the Carebase group.

Denu said: “I am surprised but delighted to have won this award. This is my first job in the UK and I am so thankful to the whole team for helping and supporting me every day so that we can care well for  our  residents, who are our family."

For the full story get the 20 June edition of the News & Mail