A strategy aimed at reducing the borough’s carbon footprint, enhancing resilience to climate impacts, and promoting sustainable development is being considered by councillors.

The Woking Climate Change Strategy sets out net zero ambitions alongside guidance designed to engage with residents and businesses. It will replace the current Woking 2050 climate change strategy. 

The strategy has eight key themes: journey to net zero, energy, waste, water; transport, economy, business and supply chains, the natural environment, and the built environment.

Each theme features key objectives which reaffirm the council’s commitment to tackling climate change though the delivery of statutory duties within the resources available, whilst supporting residents and businesses to make greener choices.

Cllr Will Forster, Woking Borough Council’s Portfolio Holder for Greener Woking, said: “Climate change effects every aspect of our lives, from the weather we experience to the food we eat. As a council, we play an important role in supporting climate action at a local level.

“Our strategy is designed to appeal to all communities by encouraging actions that will help us all become net zero. Through it we can become a greener, more efficient council which collaborates effectively with partners to create thriving, healthy communities. 

“Whether you live, work or visit the borough, we all have an important part to play in achieving our shared goals of a greener, healthier future.” 

If agreed by the Executive, the strategy will be recommended to Council for adoption at its meeting on September 26.