Woking Borough Council

Byfleet & West Byfleet

2024/0932: Construction of flood defence embankments, a sheet pile flood defence wall, an overflow channel to the west of the M25, compensatory floodplain storage areas and environmental and recreational landscape improvements and associated works (known as Byfleet Flood Alleviation Scheme). Land to the east and south of Byfleet including land to the south of Mill Lane, Byfleet, West Byfleet


2025/0025: Erection of a first-floor side extension and rear dormer window. Alterations to fenestration. Heather Court, Broomhall Road

2025/0027: Installation of three jet wash bays and associated infrastructure. Morrisons, 82 Goldsworth Road

2025/0034: Erection of a front and side extension following demolition of the existing garage. 5 The Grove

2025/0032: Prior approval under the provisions of Schedule 2, Part 3, Class MA of The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) for change of use of the upper floors (and part of the ground floor to facilitate pedestrian access and bin/cycle storage only) of 1 - 2 High Street, Woking from Commercial, Business and Service (Use Class E) to Dwellinghouses (Use Class C3) to form 8No. self-contained residential flats. 1 - 2 High Street


2025/0023: Erection of second-floor side extensions, front and rear dormer windows and insertion of sun tubes to front elevation. Cranleigh, Wych Hill Lane

2024/0830: Erection of 2x semi-detached dwellings following demolition of existing bungalow. Shrubbery Cottage, Triggs Lane

2025/0029: Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for the erection of a two-storey rear extension. Geese Corner, 65 Saunders Lane

2025/0028: Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for the erection of two single-storey side extensions. Drybridge House, Pyle Hill

2025/0037: Details of School Travel Plan submitted pursuant to Condition 4 of planning permission ref. WO/2023/0189 dated 4 October 2023. (this application is determined by Surrey County Council under their ref SCC_Ref_2024-0183 - this record is for consultation only). Hoe Valley School, Egley Road


2025/0030: Erection of two-storey front, side and rear extensions, alterations to external finishes and external alterations. 64 Brewery Road

2025/0024: Erection of first-floor front extension and rear dormer window, installation of front and side roof lights. Relocation of front drive way brick pillar and changes to fenestration. 36 Brewery Road


2025/0043: Demolition of existing garage/utility area, and erection of single-storey front and side extension. Removal of existing roof, and erection of a replacement roof incorporating of 2x front roof dormers, 5x front rooflights, rear and side gables and 2x rear dormers. Barleigh, Chobham Road

St John’s

2025/0021: Erection of a single-storey rear extension lowering of kerb, and creation of front hardstanding and associated hard and soft landscaping including retaining wall. 144 Goldsworth Road

2025/0017: Erection of a two- storey rear extension, the erection of an infill porch to the front and proposed roof enlargement with1m increase in ridge height with 6No roof lights and landscaping and driveway modifications to the front to create 3 parking spaces. 146 Goldsworth Road