A Woking band is trying to raise £500 to help the survivor of a house fire and needs your help to make it happen.

Glass Navy will be performing a gig at the Fiery Bird on Saturday, August 24. Proceeds will go to local woman Natalie, who lost everything after a fire took hold of her home in June.

She has since been staying in temporary accommodation, while the insurance company assess her claim as all her belongings were damaged or destroyed.

The band said: “Natalie is a fighter, having survived two brain haemorrhages and a stroke nine years ago, she isn't one to give up easily.

“Whilst relying on the use of a wheelchair, she has continued to live life to the full. It took a lot for her to ask for help in the immediate aftermath of the fire, friends and family were incredibly kind.

“However, costs are ongoing. She is a huge music fan, so we thought we would combine that with trying to raise some vital funds for her.

“Something to enable her to put all that has happened to one side, even for just one night, and give her something to smile about again.”

Natalie is also arranging ongoing care for her pet cat and gecko, while finding replacements for necessities which were lost and it all adds up.

Tickets are £5 per person in advance and will be £7 if you pay at the door. More information and tickets online at: https://tinyurl.com/Glass-Navy-Natalie-fundraiser