A CAKE sale to help those in need after the devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria has raised more than £1,500.

The sale, in Claremont Avenue, Woking, was organised by the Little Bakers, Big Hearts group of children and raised £1,269, which was topped up by £252 donated via their GoFundMe page.

The money will be donated to the British Red Cross Earthquake Appeal.

Little Bakers, Big Hearts may be familiar to News & Mail readers after their 14 cake sales raised more than £13,000 to help families displaced by the war in Ukraine.

“It was time for the Little Bakers to join forces again,” said Alexandra Ribeiro Magula, whose daughters Laura and Elena were among the founder-members of the group.

“When the Little Bakers heard the horrible news about the earthquake, they knew they needed to help.

“We couldn’t be more grateful for all the kind and generous donations we received at our cake sale. It was amazing to see so many familiar faces and meet new ones.

“The Little Bakers troupe would like to say a huge thank you to everyone that came along to buy cakes and donate.

“Another big thanks goes to everyone who baked and helped with the sale, especially the Little Bakers, who were there all the time with big smiles on their faces, helping with the setting up and then selling the goodies despite the drizzly weather.

“We raised an incredible £1,500 to help those in need in Turkey and Syria. We live in a great and supportive community.”

To donate, visit www.gofundme.com and search for Together with Turkey and Syria.