Woking Borough Council

Byfleet & West Byfleet

2024/0523: Erection of single-storey side extension to existing detached garage to create habitable accommodation. Formation of a new vehicular access and creation of hardstanding. 16 Godley Road, Byfleet

2024/0472: Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for single-storey side extension, single-storey rear extension and rooflights following demolition of existing single storey rear extension and outbuilding. 5 Kings Avenue, Byfleet

2024/0533: Erection of a single-storey side and rear extension. 5 Reed Place, West Byfleet


2024/0545: Consultation from Surrey County Council for the construction of a disabled access ramp to replace part of the existing staircases, relocation of the existing signage totem and associated works. Land at Victoria Gate, Chobham Road

Goldsworth Park

2024/0513: Demolition of existing dwelling and garage and erection of 2x semi-detached dwellings and associated access, parking and landscaping. 4 Knightswood

2024/0529: Erection of a single-storey rear extension. 2 Pearl Court

2024/0458: Erection of a two-storey side extension and change of rear roof from flat to pitched. 53 Roundthorn Way

2024/0536: Erection of a single-storey rear extension following demolition of existing conservatory. 75 Hallington Close


2024/0447: Formation of a new vehicular access. 303 Connaught Road, Brookwood

2024/0470: Erection of a single-storey rear extension. 10 Connaught Crescent, Brookwood

2024/0524: Formation of a new vehicular access. 309 Connaught Road, Brookwood

2024/0500: Erection of a single-storey front extension, carport and side porch, the extension of the existing front porch and alterations to fenestration following the demolition of the existing extension. Little Bridley, Berry Lane, Worplesdon

2024/0541: Consultation from Surrey County Council for details of detailed landscaping scheme pursuant to Condition 8 and management plan pursuant to Condition 9 of planning permission ref: WO/2023/0189 dated 4 October 2023. Hoe Valley School, Egley Road


2024/0534: Erection of a two-storey side extension and front and rear dormer windows. 6 Brynford Close

2024/0502: Erection of an outbuilding. Sauna, Grange Road

2024/0528: Erection of a part single, part two-storey rear extension and front porch extension. 8 Lydele Close

2024/0520: Erection of a two-storey rear extension, remodelling and extension to the roof including raising of the ridge height, insertion of side rooflight, external alterations and alterations to fenestration. 20 Meadway Drive

2024/0495: Erection of single-storey rear extension, alternations to roof including rear dormer and side rooflights and alterations to existing garage Widford, South Road

2024/0519: Erection of a single-storey side and rear extension and first-floor side extension. Alterations to fenestration and partial demolition of front boundary wall. Formation of new vehicular access. Hillcrest, Church Hill


2024/0521: Erection of a single-storey rear extension following demolition of existing structure. 60 High Street


2024/0362: Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for insertion of a rear dormer window and a side dormer window. Alterations to external materials and changes to fenestration. 78 Old Woking Road, West Byfleet

2024/0538: Prior notification for the proposed enlargement of one-storey dwellinghouse by construction of an additional storey with a proposed ridge height of 6.56m (Part 1, Class AA). 5 Berkeley Gardens, West Byfleet

Surrey Heath Borough Council

Bisley & West End

24/0701/FFU: Conversion of existing bungalow to a two-storey dwelling, including increase in ridge height and new front porch. 37 Birch Lane, West End


24/0680/GPT: Notification under Regulation 5 of the Electronic Communications Code Regulations 2017 for the installation of fixed line broadband electronic communications apparatus. Telecoms opposite 45 Windsor Road


24/0686/FFU: Erection of a two-storey front extension, a single-storey rear extension with roof terrace over, a replacement second-storey new roof over, changes to fenestration, internal alterations, with associated landscaping and levelling. 14 Curley Hill Road

Windlesham & Chobham

24/0624/FFU: Erection of a single-storey side extension. Windlecroft Farm, Stables Windlesham Road, Chobham

24/0684/FFU: Erection of 2m high green-painted metal palisade perimeter fencing, following the removal of an existing 1.2m-high wooden panel fence. Store yard adjacent Oak Tree Cottage, New Road, Windlesham

24/0688/NMA: Application for non-material amendment to condition 1 attached to reserved matters approval 20/0318/RRM dated 5 April 2024 to allow for elevational and internal revisions to Haldon, Danbury, Sherwood, Charnwood, Charnwood Corner, Whitleaf and Kielder house types. Heathpark Wood, Heathpark Drive, Windlesham

24/0689/DTC: Submission of details to comply with conditions 4a and b (bin storage, bike storage), 3 (external materials) and 4C & 7J (external lighting) attached to planning permission 23/0545/FFU for the demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings and erection of replacement two-storey dwelling with detached car port, relocation of access and associated landscaping works. Malvern Cottage, Gorse Lane, Chobham

24/0693/FFU: Construction of mansard roof to accommodate an additional bedroom with en suite. Lavershot Hall, Flat 6, London Road, Windlesham