Woking Borough Council


2024/0631: Prior notification for a single-storey rear extension to extend a maximum depth of 6m, maximum height of 3.2m and a maximum height of eaves of 3m. 90 Blackmore Crescent, Sheerwater

2024/0590: Variation of Condition 2 (Approved Plans) of planning permission PLAN/2023/0010 dated 27/06/2023 (Erection of a two-storey side extension, part two-storey, part single-storey rear extension and single-storey porch) changes to approve plans to allow for a reduction in the width of the rear and side extensions. Condition Number(s): Condition 2 - Drawing Numbers Conditions(s) Removal: Client would like to reduce the size of the approved side extension. Omit the following drawings B.01 Block Plan P.01 Proposed Site Layout P.06 Rev C Proposed Ground Floor Plan P.07 Rev B Proposed First Floor Plan P.08 Rev B Proposed Roof Plan P.09 Rev B Proposed Front and Rear Elevations P.10 Rev B Proposed Side Elevations and replace with B.201 Block Plan P.201 Proposed Site Layout P.206 Proposed Ground Floor Plan P.207 Proposed First Floor Plan P.208 Proposed Roof Plan P.209 Proposed Front and Rear Elevations P.210 Proposed Side Elevations 30 Albert Drive, Sheerwater


2024/0558: Erection of part two-storey, part single-storey side and rear extension following demolition of existing single-storey rear extension, garage and front porch. New porch cover and alterations to external finishes and fenestration. 109 Westfield Road, Westfield

2024/0618: Erection of a rear conservatory. 10 Orchard Mains

2024/0620: Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for a single storey side extension. Willow Lodge, Goose Lane

2024/0619: Erection of a car port attached to existing garage. Oaklands, The Fairway, Worplesdon


2024/0498: Erection of two-storey hipped roof front extension, two-storey rear addition, single-storey side and rear extension along with a replacement hipped roof with 9no front, side and rear roof lights and alterations to external fenestration and materials following demolition of single-storey side and rear extension. 23 Brockenhurst Close

2024/0586: Erection of a replacement dwelling and ancillary outbuilding and associated works following demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings. Viggory Lodge, Horsell Common Road

Hoe Valley

2024/0633: Formal consultation from Surrey County Council for the erection and use of a new Special Educational Needs classroom building and associated parking area, with access from Coniston Road. St John The Baptist School, Elmbridge Lane, Kingfield

2024/0613: Erection of a single-storey side and rear extension and front porch canopy. Insertion of 6No rear solar panels, 2No front rooflights and 6No side and rear sun tubes. Hollyrose, Linden Way, Kingfield


2024/0510: External works featuring new estate fencing at the entrance, butterfly awning at the rear garden and associated lighting. The Nags Head, Bagshot Road

2024/0598: Retention of detached rear outbuilding and pergola (retrospective). 17 Sparvell Road

2024/0612: Erection of a single-storey and part first-floor rear extension. 32 Sussex Road

2024/0605: Retrospective conversion of garage into habitable accommodation. 8 Merchants Close

Mount Hermon

2024/0611: Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for a rear outbuilding. Danes House, Hockering Road


2024/0610: Erection of a single-storey front and rear extension, roof alterations to garage and changes to rear fenestration. 35 Wexfenne Gardens

2024/0628: Erection of a side and rear extension following demolition of existing side garage and outbuilding. Changes to fenestration. The Firs, Coldharbour Lane

Surrey Heath Borough Council

Bisley & West End

24/0800/FFU: Erection of single storey rear extension following demolition of existing conservatory. 41 Rosebury Drive, Bisley

24/0802/FFU: Erection of a single-storey rear extension and two-storey side extension following demolition of existing garage. 15 Great Barn Crescent, West End


24/0812/DTC: Submission of details to comply with condition 4 (hard and soft landscaping) attached to planning permission 24/0193/FFU for erection of a double detached garage, new access, new hedgerow and associated works. 34 Curley Hill Road

24/0826/GPU: Prior approval application for the enlargement of a dwellinghouse by construction of additional storey under Schedule 2, Part 1, Class AA of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (as amended). 12 Curley Hill Road

Windlesham & Chobham

24/0785/CES: Certificate of lawfulness (proposed) for the installation of a dropped curb. 31 Poplar Avenue, Windlesham

24/0789/FFU: Erection of a single-storey rear extension following demolition of existing conservatory. 17 Burrow Hill Green, Chobham

24/0799/NMA: Non-material amendment to planning permission 22/1031/FFU to allow for the mobile home to be rotated 180 degrees. Oaks Farm, Philpot Lane, Chobham

24/0809/DTC: Submission of details to comply with condition 3 (Joinery) attached to planning permission 24/0240/LLB for the Listed building consent for Installation of limecrete floor, Internal alterations and installation of first floor WC. New windows in ground-floor extension and to the rear elevation. Removal and replacement of the render at ground-floor level. 85 High Street, Chobham

24/0816/DTC: Submission of details to comply with condition 17 (advanced warning signage) attached to planning permission 20/0318/RRM for Reserved matters application for 116 dwellings and community facilities with associated landscaping, open space, car parking and access from Woodlands Lane and the provision of SANG with associated works (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale being considered) and submission of details to comply with conditions 5 (drainage strategy), 7 (greenfield runoff rates), 9 (programme of archaeological work), 15 (surface materials), 16 (visibility zones), 18 (travel plan), 19 (finished floor levels), 20 (tree reports), 21 (external lighting), 22 (badger method statement), 25 (SANG management plan), 26 (bat survey), 27 (dormice survey), 28 (cycle and refuse storage areas), 29 (vehicle and cycle parking provisions) and 32 (sound attenuation) all pursuant to outline planning permission 15/0590 allowed on appeal dated 26 July 2017. Heathpark Wood, Heathpark Drive, Windlesham