When Alex Newman decided to carry on his wife Nicky’s legacy with a Go Grab Life walk, no one could have imagined its impact.

Organisers Woking and Sam Beare Hospice extended the mass participation walk to a Go Grab Life Your Own Way initiative where people everywhere were encouraged to do their own walk.

Crowds gathered at the historic Horsley Towers on Sunday 19 May, a sea of sky-blue Go Grab Life T-shirts bearing the names of loved ones.

“There was such a buzz of positivity,” says Felicity Edwards, events manager at the hospice. “Everyone came together with the goal of making the most of life. We are so thankful to all the volunteers, their enthusiasm and support was integral to the day.”

Participants chose to walk either 4km or 8km around the beautiful Horsley estate. At the same time, people walked to celebrate life all over the UK, as well as in Europe and across the world. Two of Nicky’s oncology nurses even tackled the walk in Ghana whilst visiting family.

When Nicky was diagnosed with breast cancer, she chose to spread the message that life is for positivity, smiles and happiness. Despite the difficult times, she never let her sparkle dull and touched the hearts of so many people.

“I cannot thank the hospice enough for the work they do,” says Alex. “Such a heartwarming event for everyone to enjoy in whatever way they wanted. Nicky would be proud of every single person who took part, as am I.”

Nicky died on 17 September 2023, at the age of 35, whilst being cared for by Woking and Sam Beare Hospice. Go Grab Life has raised an incredible £23,000 to date.

The hospice will be holding its next event on Sunday, 9 June – the renowned Dragon Boat Races and Family Fun Day on Goldsworth Park Lake.