There are three areas for advertisements on the Woking News and Mail website. (All dimensions are in pixels).

  1. Header Advertisement 780 x 90 - always located on the site header.
  2. Homepage Advertisement 880 x 87 - always located on the home page, between news items.
  3. Content Advertisement 880 x 97 - Displays when a news item is opened
  4. Tiles – 300 wide x up to 600 high – always located on the RH side of the Home Page.
  5. Tiles – 300 wide x up to 600 high – located on the RH side of pages other than the Home Page.

Format for web adverts:- JPEG or PNG file, no layers, sRGB colour space.

For the rate card please contact [email protected]

If you have any questions regarding the format of your web advert, please contact Woking News & Mail on 01483 802700