VICTORIA Way is expected to reopen in around 10 days’ time.

It was closed on safety grounds when exterior panels fell from the Hilton hotel building on October 20.

A spokesman for Sir Robert McAlpine (SRM) said: “Despite continued delays over recent weeks because of weather and wind conditions, work to install temporary fixings to the hotel panels has progressed.

“Weather permitting, we expect this phase of work to be complete in approximately one week, with carriageway repairs then progressing to allow reopening of the road during week commencing Monday 7 February.

“Significant work and testing to identify a permanent solution continue. In partnership with our contractor, Prater, good progress is being made towards a final detailed proposal.

“This will, of course, need to be acceptable from both a technical and health and safety perspective. It is expected that agreement will be reached during February, allowing works to start on a permanent solution as soon as possible.

 “The permanent remediation works will be installed to minimise impact on Victoria Square and Victoria Way that will enable the safe opening of the development in spring 2022.

“We continue to work together with Victoria Square Woking Limited, alongside Woking Borough Council, Surrey County Council and the Health and Safety Executive to resolve this matter as a priority.”

* A WATER leak closed two westbound lanes along Victoria Way before the junction with Chobham Road this week, although the highway remained open to vehicles.

Excavation work was expected to confirm the source of the leak as one of a network of district heating pipes carrying pressurised hot water.