A VISIT from a rescue dog has helped to unlock hidden memories for a woman who regularly attends the Friends of the Elderly Woking Day Care Centre.

Thomas, a rescue dog from Danyflor in Romania, has been fostered by Fran Simpson, the day services manager, who brings him to the centre in the Bradbury Centre, off Lavender Road, Maybury.

“One of our regulars is a lady who has always struggled to recall memories from her childhood and found it hard to recall her life history,” said Fran.

“After having Thomas on her lap for a short while, she began to tell us how she has always had dogs growing up as her father was a farmer. She then went on to recall details and stories of growing up on a farm in South West England and reminisced about all the animals they used to have.

“The team and I were stunned and delighted at the same time; it was amazing to hear all the different tales and memories."

Fran said Thomas has also helped a man who previously would only take part in colouring and had difficulty communicating.

“It was his ‘role’ to walk Thomas in the garden and ensure that there was water in his water bowl, this gave him another purpose,” she added.

“This gentleman used to struggle with communication and sometimes became distressed, but since Thomas began visiting, he became significantly more relaxed. He loved to take him out to the garden and walk him on the lead.”

Thomas has now moved out of Fran’s house to live with a family and she is looking for a new dog from No Boundaries Rescue.

Fran said: “These amazing dogs have had such sad and awful lives and many of them are very nervous, timid and frightened so I work with them to help build their confidence and instill a sense of happiness, calmness and contentment."

For more information, visit www.noboundariesrescue.com.

For the full story get the 5 march edition of the News & Mail