The Government must take on the outstanding debt from Woking Borough Council’s financial collapse, says Tim Read, the Heritage Party parliamentary candidate.

Mr Read, a chartered chemical engineer who has lived in the borough for 25 years, said Heritage, formerly Ukip, were against the property developments that caused the council’s crippling debts and predicted the financial disaster.

“There was never a debate in the town about whether we wanted to borrow £2billion,” Mr Read said.

“You have got to have hazard when you make a mistake but it’s not the people who made the mistake who are paying.

“The Government was the lender, so there is a moral case that central Government should adopt this debt.”

Looking Internationally, Mr Read said Ukraine and Russia were both responsible for the war between them and there should be a treaty to stop the fighting and allow referendums  for people in disputed territory to decide which on side they wanted to be.

“The West is also were responsible because there was a point very early on when there was agreement available but the West said to Ukraine ‘we’ll support you.’

“Our governments is upping the ante; they’re telling us about conscription and telling us to prepare for war. This really needs to stop.”

Mr Read said it is pretty clear that Labour is going to win the general election but that Jonathan Lord, the Conservative Party Woking candidate, might retain his seat.

“It won’t be as bad for the Tories as expected because they are going to run a fear campaign and fear always pulls things back a bit.

“I would expect a Labour majority Government, but one that will run into difficulty very, very quickly.

“A Labour administration will generate a very strong counter push and the Conservatives will pretend to be populists.”

Mr Read dismissed the idea of any co-operation with the seemingly similar Reform Party as Ukip has a wider cultural viewpoint than its new rival for Rightwing votes.

“Reform is really a project to take over the Conservative Party in a two-step process; they do well now and the Conservatives do badly and after the election they merge.

“We believe the Conservative Party is beyond help and a new socially conservative party is needed.”

Mr Read said despite his expectations of victory for Labour nationally and Mr Lord in Woking, is was important for voters to be able to choose the Heritage Party.

“In the bigger picture, the signals matter more. Every vote is counted and every vote counts.

“We have some fairly strong messages to pass on. We sometimes refer to the other parties as the Uniparty with very similar agendas.

“Reform is a bit like a Saturn 5 rocket; it’s got to reach orbit or explode on the launch pad, and we will know at this election which it is.

“We are a much longer-term project. We know it will take multiple elections to build up a proper political party, but if you don’t make a start, you don’t finish.”