Surrey Fire and Rescue Service participated in the national 999 Emergency Services Day commemoration.

It took place at Surrey County Council headquarters, with key figures and VIPs in attendance to show their support and gratitude for those who serve on the front lines. The day honours the vital work of emergency services across the UK.

Flag raising took place at 9am, accompanied by a two-minute silence to honour the sacrifice and commitment of those who work tirelessly to keep communities safe.

Chief fire officer of Surrey Fire and Rescue Service, Dan Quin said: “999 Day is a powerful reminder of the dedication and bravery that our emergency service personnel demonstrate every day.

“I’m incredibly proud of our firefighters, Control Officers, and staff who work tirelessly to protect our communities.”

Following the formal proceedings, attendees gathered for tea, coffee, and cake. Providing an opportunity for reflection and camaraderie among colleagues from across emergency services.