Surrey residents can now apply for cash grants to improve their local area through the Your Councillor Community Fund. 

Last year the fund supported more than 380 community projects via Surrey county councillors, totalling £404,330.  

This community fund is designed to help with costs that can range from purchasing sports equipment for local clubs, to the creation of websites, providing financial support to community groups and projects that improve the quality of life in for residents in Surrey. 

Each year, Surrey County Council’s 81 councillors each allocate £5,000 of funding within their local communities. With their understanding of the needs and priorities of their communities they can ensure that the funding is targeted to areas where it is most needed and can make the biggest impact.

Surrey County Council deputy leader and cabinet member for customer and communities Denise Turner-Stewart said: “As a council we are committed to working together with communities to improve the lives of people living or working in Surrey. The Your Councillor Community Fund is a great example of how even a small amount of funding can make a big difference in the communities we serve.”

Your Councillor Community Fund is open now and closes on January 31, 2025.  To apply, visit to find your local county councillor.

As well as the Your Councillor Community Fund, there is also funding available via Your Fund Surrey for small and large community projects. Visit to find out more.