A planning application for 461 residential units and 15 Traveller pitches on land at West Hall, Parvis Road in West Byfleet has provoked a storm of public opposition.

The application, which can be read in full on Woking Borough Council’s planning portal as PLAN/2024/0475, includes a “Hybrid planning application (part outline, part full planning application) for residential development for up to 461 residential units and delivery of 15 Traveller pitches and associated infrastructure including groundworks, car parking, open space and landscaping and new vehicular access via a new [roundabout] access junction from the A245 Parvis Road and highway works to be provided in phases; including full planning application for the detailed phase(s) comprising construction of 253 residential units and change of use of land for the provision of 15 Traveller pitches and associated infrastructure.....”

As the News & Mail went to press there had been 30 public comments on the application, 28 objecting, one supporting and one neutral.

Those against the application largely cited common themes, namely that the area is prone to flooding, the development will further overload an already congested Parvis Road, pile pressure on stretched local education and healthcare provision and reduce green space.

Will Forster, the recently elected MP for Woking, said: “I spoke to a lot of local residents in Byfleet, Pyrford and West Byfleet who were concerned about the likely plans for West Hall during the recent election campaign.  I will represent their views now the application has been submitted.”